Wow!!!! What a night. We are still buzzing.
Last night we launched GITP with an amazing evening Powered by Pecha Kucha and attended by nearly 200 Trainers, Presenters, CEO’s HR Managers, Coaches, Professional Speakers, Business Owners friends and family.
They were inspired and impressed with our outstanding Speakers and the Pecha Kucha Journeys presented. A huge thank you to:
Troy Hendrickson, Tanya Finnie, Michael McLeod, Cindy Kennedy, Jason Paizes and Sherene Strahan for taking up the PechaKucha challenge and being truly amazing.
Along with our speaking stars, attendees were presented with the GITP Promise and Vision.
We are ready to train tomorrow’s workforce today
Our signature programmes, upcoming professional development events and industry initiatrives were also shared and received with delight.
Day one on a brand new journey.
We look forward to working with you in the future.
Paula Smith CEO