Global Institute of Training & Presenting

Professional Accreditation

At GITP we know that professional recognition  is important to you.

In a crowded market place, it is sometimes hard to stand out and be recognised for your professional qualifications, years of experience and countless hours of professional development. Not to mention the impact you are having by sharing your expertise with others.

Many associations or organisations associate your professional recognition with how much you earn, this is not always the case. Many of our GITP community are recognised experts in their respective fields and are powerful presenters, they may just work for an organisation or choose to give their time generously.

This does not take away their many years of developing their knowledge, skills, intellectual property and presenting skills.

Apply today for your professional recognition/accreditation.

Speak to us personally if you need any further information about the requirements set down by our accreditation panel.

Once you are confident you meet all the requirements and have collated your evidence, complete the application form below and forward to the accreditation manager for assessment. Some of the evidence collected may also be used for Nationally Accredited/Recognised qualifications.

You can apply for a Professional Presenter (5 years experience or 3 with a recognised adult learning qualification and experience )

or a Certified Expert Presenter (10 years experience or 5 with a recognised adult learning qualification and experience)



Contact us for the full requirments and an application form


And if you are looking for that leading-edge certification  you can complete the Certification or National Diploma of Neuropresenting ™. Our Neuropresenters know exactly how to deliver a quallity, relevant and brain-friendly learning experience that creates real change.




GITP launches the Online Presentation Academy


Our CEO Paula Smith has developed a wonderful suite of online and virtual offerings.

Paula and her team are experienced virtual presenters. As the world is changing, being able to offer engaging virtual learning for your key people just makes sense. Wherever you are in the world, we know how to design and deliver a transformational virtual learning experience.

Click on the icons below for information on the the online master class programme – Powerful Presentation Principles or to be taken to the Presentation Academy homepage or reach out for a customised virtual experience.